Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship

Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship

Each spring, four to six Brown sophomores are selected as Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellows. Starting in the summer after their sophomore year, students receive two years of financial support to conduct research and participate in other activities as part of a community of scholars.

The Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship (MMUF) is committed to supporting a diverse professoriate and to promoting the value of multivocality in the humanities and related disciplines, elevating accounts, interpretations, and narratives that expand present understandings.
Mellon Mays Fellows benefit from undergraduate research, cohort community engagement, faculty and staff mentoring and financial support, including stipends and loan repayment, throughout their fellowship.

Application Process


Contact Us

Mailing Address

University Hall
Brown University
Box 1828
Providence, RI 02912


